DigiAssets Connect 2024

02 - 03 December, 2024

Geneva Crowne Plaza, Switzerland

Joseph Naggar

CEO and CIO Republic Digital

Day 1 | 2nd December

3:50 PM Investment Thesis Talk & Q&A: How to generate alpha in the digital asset market through liquid publicly traded markets

Like hedge funds in the early 1990s, there are very attractive return opportunities created by limited market competition, regulatory cross currents and information asymmetry. This discussion will focus on specific investment opportunities around the following topics and themes:  

  • Market fragmentation  
  • Arbitrage, liquidity and directional investment themes  
  • Token markets vs public equity markets  
  • Secondary growth trading ideas  
  • Risk management, counterparty risk and operational challenges 


Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Joseph.

Download The Latest Agenda